Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Proposition 102 Victory!

Well it’s over and we won! After months of hard work by the Coalition and even as we worked up until the bitter end on Election Day we were able to say all the work was worthwhile as Arizona passed Proposition 102 to amend the Arizona Constitution to state that marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman thereby protecting traditional marriage and families.

Tuesday I spent most of the day at our polling place promoting the cause and pretty much chatting it up with friends and neighbors who stopped by to vote. I was joined by my good friends Alecia Bingham and Misty Polanco (in the picture with me on the right holding her gorgeous baby Benji) who sat in on some long shifts to get the information out to people who were still confused by wording or undecided on the issue. I am happy to say we helped several people make up their mind and vote accordingly.

Election evening we were able to attend a Coalition Celebration Party for all volunteers who worked so hard work on the proposition. Midway through the evening we watched the sad announcement that Barack Obama had been elected president but within about five minutes they were able to call the results of the proposition and announced that we’d won which lightened the mood substantially. However, at the end of the evening as we sang, “God Bless America”, I couldn’t help but become emotional at the significance of the line, “Stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above”.

Rob and I with friends and fellow Coalition Committe members Brooke and Chad Cirks, Alecia and Seth Bingham

Caleb and Nate came with us to the Coalition party and are pictured here with their buddies Pierce and Magnum Cirks

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