Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's a...

Drum roll please.........It's a girl!! So I am a couple of days behind but we had our ultrasound on Monday and they told us it was a girl.

The way it took place was very anticlimactic which kind of stinks but at least we know. The thing is; the tech was searching and searching for gender but couldn't find anything. Then she said, "I'm guessing girl because your baby is face down and has been really active so with all of that movement and gravity I am sure I would have seen 'something' float into view if it was a boy. So my guess is more about what I DON'T see than about what I see."

Then finally she says, "Yeah. I'm going to go with girl because I finally see something that looks like a girl." I saw what she was seeing as well but she was so casual about her pronouncement I thought, "So is that official or...???" Rob asked that exact thing and she nodded emphatically and said, "Oh yes. For sure...I'm calling it a girl."

So it wasn't an "A HA!!" moment but we finally got what we wanted. The kids were thrilled. Especially Hayden.

On a separate note...our concern about the occasional bleeding I have had seems to be unfounded. Placenta looks great. Cervix is closed. There is no evidence of any bleeding IN the uterus. (There is usually a dark spot on the endometrium---uterine lining---if there has been a bleed.)

Still no real explanation for it but as I tell clients all the time when they have this issue; if you get a random nose bleed you don't assume you have a brain tumor...

Ultimately, the ultrasound showed a very healthy VERY active baby. So active the tech said, "So you haven't felt movement yet? Cuz when you do, this baby will be keeping you up nights. I think it is the most active fetus I have ever seen in an ultrasound!"

I concur! I couldn't believe how wiggly she was. Her arms and legs were literally looked like she was jogging in place. Maybe that is why I haven't felt her yet---her movements are mostly in her arms and legs and those small movements are not as easy to feel as flips and somersaults.

Guess we are getting a busy little bee. I don't mind that at all. I am just so happy to see her very healthy.

For those who follow stats: She measured 18w. 4d. and FHT was 154 bpm. The tech put my EDD as 8/1 as opposed to 7/28 but most of you know how little stock I put in EDDs so go figure.

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