Wednesday, February 3, 2010

15 weeks

This is what our baby looks like about now. I can't believe how quickly the growth has accelerated and how big it is at this point. I don't know WHY I'm surprised because by the looks of the telltale "bump" on the front of me you'd think it was much bigger.

(Although according to my prenatal appointment my uterus is measuring ahead a bit. My midwife asked if we were sure it's one and she is not the first to ask so let me quickly dispel any rumors---according to the four early ultrasounds we have already had it is just one.)

The baby is now just about 4 inches long and approximately 2-2.5 ounces. The baby's hearing is now beginning to develop a bit more acutely so I guess I should think about NOT blaring my music in the car anymore. :) Seriously though I love this stage because I usually start reading books to my babies around 16 weeks and it feels like a special time for the two of us. I don't have anything but analogical evidence to support it but I swear it's the reason that all of my kids are bookworms.

I haven't felt the baby move yet but we have seen it move on an ultrasound and as I mentioned in a previous post it kicked the doppler at our appointment so I am REALLY eager to start to feel movement. It really is just weeks away and I can't help but feel a little giddy remembering that feeling and looking forward to it again soon. I'll keep you posted on that. :)

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