Monday, February 1, 2010

First Prenatal Appt.

Well, as indecisive as I tend to be I also have strong instincts and when I listen to myself sometimes they work out.

In researching midwives one name kept coming back to me: Stephanie Soderblom. Interestingly it is not the first time I have thought about using her as a midwife. I have been familiar with her reputation for a long time and have always heard great things about her.

Well last week I finally made some calls and set up appointments for interviews. I purposely set hers up to be the first interview and kept thinking that if it went well I would just cancel the others. It went WELL. She pre-empted all of my questions with answers that just clicked with me. Often times she would make a statement that answered a question I hadn't even thought to ask but realized I was very curious about. I felt pretty much instantly connected to both her and her assistant Kate Cunningham. They make a great team and they fit our family like a glove. We couldn't be more happy with our decision to go with them.

So today we had our first prenatal appt. The kids all came to both the interview and the prenatal appt. Their comfort with the midwife and her comfort with them is a huge priority for us since we believe that birth is about the whole family.

We got to hear the baby's heartbeat tonight; this was the first time the kids were able to be there for that and they all smiled really big when they heard the "horses hooves". They also thought it was great when the baby kicked the doppler and it made a loud noise.

After our awesome appointment we took the kids to Rumby Island Grill for dinner and had teryaki chicken and brown rice: the first food I was able to get in all day since I have been a little sick today and yesterday. YUCK. All in all it was a fun family home evening with one of the better activities we have had in a while.

We also talked with the midwives about our ultrasound and it looks like we will go for that in a little over a week. YAY!! Love to see our sweetpea and hopefully find out the gender. Can't wait.

1 comment:

Lovin Family said...

Just reading this makes me realize how much I miss you guys! I'm so excited for you! Love you bunches.
